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Committee launches new inquiry into rights after Brexit

11 March 2019

The EU Justice Sub-Committee launches a new short inquiry into rights after Brexit by hearing from the Director of the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law and a Professor of Law, UCL


The EU Justice Sub-Committee is conducting a short inquiry examining the future framework for and potential risks to rights after Brexit.  Amongst other things, the Committee will consider the impact of the loss of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the way in which standards relating to rights will be contained in any future agreement with the European Union


Tuesday 12 March in Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster

At 10.45am

  • Mr Murray Hunt, Director Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, British Institute of International and Comparative Law
  • Professor Colm O'Cinneide, Professor of Law UCL Faculty of Laws

Possible Questions

  • Given the Government's confirmation to us that is may still consider reforming the human rights framework by repealing or replacing the Human Rights Act 1998, once the process of EU exit has been completed, are you concerned that there is a threat to human rights and the rule of law?
  • Do you believe rights protections in the UK will be weakened due to the removal of the Charter of Fundamental Rights? If so, in what particular spheres will the impact be most obvious?
  • How significant is the removal of supremacy of EU law? Are there any particular areas of law where you believe this will have an immediate impact?
  • Assuming that a deal with the European Union can be agreed, how far (and in what areas) do you think that the current draft of the Withdrawal Agreement and accompanying political declaration might mitigate any weakening of human rights standards under the domestic law regime?

Further information

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