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Human Rights Act repeal inquiry hears from Scottish Government minister

12 November 2015

On Tuesday 17 November, the House of Lords EU Justice Sub-Committee takes evidence from Marco Biagi, MSP, Minister for Local Government and Community Empowerment from the Scottish Government


The evidence session takes place on Tuesday 10 November in Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster.

At 11.00am

  • Marco Biagi, MSP, Minister for Local Government and Community Empowerment from the Scottish Government

Possible questions

The witness is likely to face questions on a number of areas, including:

  • the extent to which the protection of human rights in Scotland differs to that of England and Wales
  • whether the Scottish Parliament would need to consent to repeal the Human Rights Act under the Sewel Convention and, if so, why
  • whether the Scottish Parliament would have the competence to legislate for any gaps in human rights protection that may be caused by repealing the HRA
  • whether there would be increased reliance on the EU Charter in Scottish courts if the HRA were to be repealed.

Further information

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