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Immigration Minister to be questioned on EU Agenda on Migration

8 July 2015

On Wednesday 8 July, the House of Lords EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee will take evidence from James Brokenshire MP, Minster of State for Immigration, on the European Agenda on Migration.

The evidence session will provide an update on the Government's position on the 27 May 2015 EU Commission Communication on a European Agenda on Migration.


The evidence session will take place on Wednesday 8 July in Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster.

  • At 10.15am: James Brokenshire MP, Minister of State for Immigration

Possible questions

  • Does the Government believe that the Agenda on Migration strikes the correct balance between immediate action and longer term solutions to the global migration crisis?
  • What resources has the Government made available to address the crisis in the Mediterranean?
  • Following the JHA Council meeting on 16 July 2015 Several delegations from Member States stressed the necessity to strike a balance between solidarity and responsibility. In the Government's opinion, what is the right balance?
  • What is the evidence to support the Government's view that relocation and search and rescue mission serve as a pull factor encouraging irregular migration to the EU?
  • What is the Government's experience with voluntary relocation schemes?
  • Why does the Government think that relocation is "unlikely to prove effective"?
  • The Government has stated that it "shares the Commission's desire to prevent further loss of life at sea", and, on a separate occasion, that it "will continue to make an important contribution" to search and rescue missions. How is this reconcilable with the withdrawal of HMS Bulwark from Operation Triton?
  • The Government writes that "any sustainable approach to search and rescue [missions] must involve their 'decoupling' from entry into the EU, except where there is a genuine case for asylum". What does this mean?

Further information

Image: PA