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Impact of Brexit on central counterparties (CCPs) explored by Committee

8 February 2019

The EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee explores the future of Brexit and central counterparties (CCPs), in a one-off evidence session with witnesses from the London Clearing House (LCH) Group and the Futures Industry Association (FIA).


Wednesday 13 February 2019 in Committee Room 4A, Palace of Westminster

At 10.15am

  • Daniel Maguire, Chief Executive Officer, London Clearing House  (LCH) Group
  • Michael Voisin, Director, Futures Industry Association (FIA)

Likely questions

  • What impact has Brexit had to date on UK CCPs? Has there been a significant shift of activity or jobs from the UK to other EU Member States over this period?
  • What is your worst-case Brexit scenario and how ready are CCPs for such a scenario?
  • What is your view on the Temporary Recognition Regime (TRR) and the European Commission's 12-month equivalence decision for UK CCPs?
  • How could new EU rules in this area affect UK CCPs after Brexit?

Further information

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