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Academics and experts give evidence on Brexit and Financial Services

7 September 2016

The EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee has commenced an inquiry into Brexit and financial services in the UK. The Sub-Committee begins its inquiry with two evidence sessions focusing on the consequences of the referendum result for financial services and potential future arrangements.


Wednesday 7 September in Committee Room 4A, Palace of Westminster

At 10.00am

  •  Professor Eilis Ferran, Professor of Company & Securities Law, Cambridge University
  • Professor Sir Charles Bean, Professor of Economics, London School of Economics

At 11.00am

  • Andrew Gray, UK regional financial services leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • Anthony Browne, Chief Executive, British Bankers' Association
  • George Hay, European Financial Editor, Breaking views, Reuters

Possible questions

The witnesses are likely to answer questions on the following areas:

  • The reaction of financial services firms to the outcome of the EU referendum result
  • The possibility of relocation of financial services firms from the UK
  • Critical priorities for the UK financial services sector in both the withdrawal negotiations and in negotiating a future relationship for the UK with the EU
  • ‘Equivalence' rights to access the EU Single Market for the UK
  •  Financial regulatory cooperation between the UK and the EU under different models of EU membership
  • A potential free trade agreement and the UK's financial sector
  • Potential transitional arrangements
  • The importance of the financial passport for firms operating in the UK
  • Risks for retail customers and investors
  • Considerations for non-EU firms wishing to gain access to the EU via the EU's equivalence regime

Further information

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