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City Minister questioned on financial services after Brexit

4 March 2020

The EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee hears evidence from John Glen MP, Economic Secretary to the Treasury and City Minister, in the final evidence session of its inquiry on financial services after Brexit.


Wednesday 4 March 2020 in Committee Room 4A, Palace of Westminster

At 10.15am

  • John Glen MP, Economic Secretary to the Treasury and City Minister, HM Treasury
  • James Fairburn, Deputy Director, Financial Stability EU Team, HM Treasury
  • Rohan Lee, Deputy Director, Financial Services Legislation and Strategy, HM Treasury

Likely questions

  • How should the EU's equivalence regime be improved? What specific changes are you seeking?
  • How should future UK-EU regulatory cooperation in financial services work in practice?
  • In which areas might there be opportunities for the UK to diverge from EU rules?
  • What can be expected in the Government's upcoming White Paper and Financial Services Bill?

Further information