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Industry representatives and researchers give evidence on EU fisheries regulations

28 November 2018

The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee asks fisheries researchers and representatives of the fishing industry for their views on the implementation and enforcement of the EU landing obligation.


Wednesday 28 November in Committee Room 2, Palace of Westminster

At 10.15am

  • Hazel Curtis, Chief Economist, Seafish
  • Dr Tom Catchpole, Principle Fisheries Advisor, Cefas

At 11.15am

  • Barrie Deas, Chief Executive, The National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations
  • Mike Park OBE, Chief Executive, Scottish White Fish Producers Association Limited


The EU landing obligation seeks to gradually eliminate discarding (throwing unwanted fish back into the sea) by requiring all catches of specified types of fish to be landed. It has been implemented in stages, beginning in 2015; by 1 January 2019 it will apply to all fish stocks for which the EU sets a Total Allowable Catch.

Implementation presents challenges, particularly in relation to 'choke species'. These are species with a low volume of quota, that when reached will cause fishing operations to halt, even if quota is still available for other species, because fishermen will no longer be able to discard fish they catch over-quota. How enforcement agencies will monitor compliance with the landing obligation is another challenge that will need to be addressed.

Likely areas of discussion

  • The scale of the problem 'choke species' is likely to pose.
  • Whether changing fishing methods, or swapping quota with others, can alleviate this challenge.
  • How enforcement agencies can best monitor compliance.
  • Whether the landing obligation could result in increased levels of illegal discarding.
  • What the UK could learn from other countries.

Further information

Image: iStockphoto