Financial dimension to agricultural resilience explored by Committee
29 January 2016
The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee continues its inquiry into price volatility and agricultural resilience by taking evidence from representatives from the financial sector.
- Parliament TV: Price volatility and agricultural resilience
- Inquiry: Price volatility and agricultural resilience
- EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee
Wednesday 3 February in Committee Room 2, Palace of Westminster
At 11.00am
- Oliver McEntyre, National Agriculture Strategy Director, Barclays Agriculture
- Allan Wilkinson, Head of Agriculture and Food, HSBC
- Lindsay Sinclair, Group Chief Executive, NFU Mutual
- Dr Harald Jahn, Head of Division, Natural Resources and Agro-Industry, European Investment Bank
Likely questions
- Do the recent trends in agricultural price volatility suggest that the situation is worsening?
- Commissioner Hogan has repeatedly emphasised the role that Financial Instruments can play in supporting farmers. What are these Financial Instruments? How can farmers access them?
- On Monday 18 January, Commissioner Hogan told the European Parliament's AGRI Committee the EIB was making "slow progress" in providing financial products for agriculture. What is the EIB's response to this?
- What financial products are available to farmers? What is the level of take-up?
- What assessment has been made of the general trend displayed in other countries of a shift from direct support to insurance?
- What changes could be made to the risk management toolkit offered under Pillar 2 of the CAP to increase Member State take-up?
- Should the market be allowed to dictate which farms survive or should the CAP be supporting all farms through Direct Payments, regardless of productivity or business success?
- Do farmers display technical proficiency, business acumen and entrepreneurial skills when they approach banks for financial assistance?
- What changes would the banks like to see in the next round of CAP reform?
Further Information
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