Body image inquiry to hear from Sport England, L’Oreal, Dove, Boohoo, ASA and TfL
1 December 2020
On Wednesday 2 December, the Women and Equalities Committee will take evidence from Dove, L’Oreal, Boohoo, Sport England, the Advertising Standards Authority and Transport for London as part of their inquiry into body image.
- Watch on Parliament TV: Changing the perfect picture: an inquiry into body image
- Inquiry: Changing the perfect picture: an inquiry into body image
- Women and Equalities Committee
Purpose of the session
The Committee will discuss how companies advertise their products and services to consumers and whether they are contributing to body image pressures.
They will hear from the Advertising Standards Authority on how they think the ad industry is performing to protect people.
The Committee will also hear from Transport for London, which has introduced an advertising rule specifically addressing body image concerns and reported an increase in revenue the following year.
TfL’s advertising estate is one of the largest in the world and makes up 20% of all out-of-home advertising in the UK and 40% of the London market.
The session will cover:
- The role of companies in promoting positive body image
- Photo editing in advertising
- This Girl Can
- The impact of Boohoo group’s advertising campaigns
- Dove’s inclusive advertising strategy
- How L’Oreal advertises products such as anti-aging creams
- How the effectively the ASA regulates adverts – in mainstream media, public places and on social media
- Transport for London’s body image advertising policy
The committee will ask:
- How can companies ensure their advertising campaigns promote body positivity, reflect diversity and not a single exclusionary vision of beauty and success?
- How can the Government advertise their obesity strategy without perpetuating body image stigmas?
- Why was Sport England’s This Girl Can campaign so successful and what can we learn from it?
- What has been the impact of Transport for London’s change in advertising policy to be mindful of body image concerns?
Wednesday 2 December
At 2.30pm
- Sophie Van Ettinger, Global Vice President, Dove
- Caroline O'Neill, General Manager, L’Oréal Paris (UK)
- Kelly Byrne, Commercial Director, Nasty Gal, Boohoo
- Kate Dale, Strategic Lead, Campaigns, Sport England
At 3.30pm
- Malcolm Phillips, Regulatory Policy Manager, Advertising Standards Authority
- Chris Macleod, Customer and Revenue Director, Transport for London.
Further information
Image: Parliamentary copyright