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Transgender equality inquiry launched

27 July 2015

The Women and Equalities Committee is holding an inquiry considering how far, and in what ways, trans people still have yet to achieve full equality; and how the outstanding issues can most effectively be addressed.

Chair's comments

Committee Chair Maria Miller said:

"Many trans people still face discrimination and unfair treatment in their work, schools, healthcare and other important services. Transphobia and hate crimes are a cruel reminder that we still have a great deal to do to achieve true equality for everyone. I hope that trans people will feel able to share their experiences with our inquiry, so that the committee can make recommendations for improving people's lives."

Send a written submission

The Committee invites evidence submissions regarding the following issues in particular:

  • Terminology and definitions, and the availability and reliability of data, relating to the trans community
  • The relationship between the Government Equalities Office and other government departments in dealing with transgender equality issues and how the UK's performance compares internationally
  • The operation of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 and whether it requires amending
  • The aspect of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 which is referred to as the "spousal veto"
  • The effectiveness of the Equality Act 2010 in relation to trans people
  • Employment and workplace issues (including in the Armed Forces) affecting trans people
  • Transphobia (including the portrayal of trans people in the media) and hate crime against trans people
  • Issues affecting trans people in the criminal justice system
  • Issues concerning the diagnosis of gender dysphoria, including the operation of NHS Gender Identity Clinics
  • Access to gender reassignment treatment under the NHS
  • Trans people and wider NHS services
  • NHS services for trans youth
  • Issues concerning trans youth in the education system
  • Issues concerning trans youth and social care services (including looked-after children)

The Women and Equalities Committee welcomes submissions from individuals as well as organisations. We would be grateful to receive written submissions by Friday 21 August 2015.

Further information

Image: iStockphoto