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What would encourage fathers to provide more childcare?

18 January 2016

The Women and Equalities Committee takes evidence on the impact of fathers' share of child care on mothers' pay.


Tuesday 19 January 2016, Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House

At 10.30am

  • Adrienne Burgess, Chief Executive and Heard of Research, the Fatherhood Institute
  • Sarah Jackson, Chief Executive, Working Families
  • Maggie Stilwell, Partner & UKI Talent Leader, EY (formerly Ernst and Young) 

Chair's comments

Committee Chair Maria Miller said:

"The ‘motherhood penalty'—the legacy effect of time out or the workforce—has a major impact on the gender pay gap for women over 40. More evenly shared childcare is vital in closing the gap, yet the Government predicts that fewer than 1 in 10 fathers will take up the new shared parental leave arrangements.

This is very slow progress. There are many men who would love to spend more time raising their children, but feel unable to because of the impact on their careers and earning ability. If we're going to close the gender pay gap, we urgently need to identify policy options which will help them to do this."

Purpose of session

This session is to scrutinise the following issues, regarding the gender pay gap:

  • clarify the difference which increasing men's share of childcare can make in reducing the gender pay gap;
  • examine which policies would be most effective in increasing men's contribution to childcare;
  • examine funding options for policies.

The Committee will consider a range of policy options including: non-transferable leave for fathers, paying parental leave well, and equalising paternity and maternity pay.

Further information

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