How can we improve employment opportunities for Muslim women?
19 April 2016
The Women and Equalities Committee look specifically at employment opportunities for Muslim women. The Committee hears from individuals who have experience working with Muslim women to tackle barriers to participating in employment and society:
- Watch Parliament TV: Employment opportunities for Muslims in the UK
- Inquiry: Employment opportunities for Muslims in the UK
- Women and Equalities Committee
Tuesday 19 April 2016, The Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House
At 10.30am
- Nazmin Akthar, Vice Chair, Muslim Women's Network
- Latifa Akay, Project Manager, Maslaha
- Sufia Alam, Projects Manager, The Maryam Centre
Purpose of the session
Issues to be covered include:
- Why are levels of employment so low among Muslim women?
- What role does discrimination play?
- Are there issues with state employment support and childcare provision?
- What role do cultural attitudes about work and family play?
28% of Muslim women (aged 16-74) are in employment, significantly lower than the approximately 51% of the overall female population. This is also lower than other faith categories that also have a significant Asian ethnic demographic. Furthermore, 27% of Muslim women are categorised as ‘Looking After Home and Family', compared to the overall female population (7%).
Further information
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