Chair calls for the publication of the Dunlop Report
23 June 2020
Dunlop review correspondence
A copy of the correspondence is available here.
The Dunlop review was established in 2019 with a remit to consider the effectiveness of intergovernmental relations under the existing devolution settlement for the UK, specifically “whether UK Government structures are configured in such a way as to strengthen the working of the Union, and to recommend changes where appropriate”.
A report was submitted to the Prime Minister in December but is yet to be published by the UK Government.
Chair's comments
William Wragg MP said:
“The emerging tensions between the UK and devolved governments over the response to Covid-19 response, and EU exit arrangements, raise serious questions about the effectiveness of existing mechanisms for consulting and co-ordinating on policy. The Dunlop Report may teach us valuable lessons and improve how we develop ongoing strategies to mitigate the serious consequences of the pandemic and is important in helping to develop a better understanding of how practise need to change to fit the UKs current consitutional arrangements.
“The Committee urges the Government to publish the report immediately, and indicate how it intends take its findings forward to improve how the UK Government works with its counterparts in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.”
Further information
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