Dying without dignity evidence session
10 September 2015
The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee (PACAC) holds a one off evidence session on the findings of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman's (PHSO) May 2015 report, Dying without dignity.
- Watch Parliament TV: Dying without dignity
- PHSO report: Dying without dignity
- Inquiry: Dying without dignity
- Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee
Tuesday 15 September 2015, Grimond Room, Portcullis House
- Dr Jane Collins, Chief Executive, Marie Curie
- Professor Irene Higginson, Head of Department, Division and Director of Cicely Saunders Institute, King's College London
- Professor Sir Mike Richards, Chief Inspector of Hospitals, CQC
At 10.25am
- Ben Gummer MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Care Quality, Department of Health
- Dr Martin McShane, Director for Long Term Conditions, NHS England
Purpose of the session
This short inquiry looks at 'Dying without dignity', the PHSO's May 2015 report, which highlights six key themes seen in the PHSO's casework involving end of life care:
- Not recognising that people are dying, and not responding to their needs
- Poor symptom control
- Poor communication
- Inadequate out-of-hours service
- Poor care planning
- Delays in diagnosis and referrals for treatment
Further information
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