Lords questioned on inter-institutional relations in the UK
2 February 2016
The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC) hold the second evidence session of its inquiry into inter-institutional relations in the UK.
- Watch Parliament TV: Inter-institutional relations in the UK inquiry
- Inquiry: Inter-institutional relations in the UK inquiry
- Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Tuesday 2 February 2016, Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House
At 10.30am
- Lord Lang of Monkton, Chair of the Lords Constitution Committee
- Lord Forsyth of Drumlean, former Secretary of State for Scotland
At 11.30am
- Lord Steel of Aikwood, former Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament
Purpose of the session
The session focuses on:
- Intergovernmental relations between the devolved administrations and Whitehall
- Inter-parliamentary relations between the four UK legislatures
- The Home Civil Service, post-devolution
Further information
Image: Parliamentary copyright