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Decisions of the Petitions Committee, 17 October 2023

20 October 2023

On 17 October 2023 the Committee considered e-petitions that had received over 100,000 signatures. The Committee also considered e-petitions that had received over 10,000 signatures and received a Government response, e-petitions that had received a revised response, and public petitions that had received a Government observation.

Petitions with over 100,000 signatures

  1. Ensure student nurses are paid for placement hours

The Committee agreed to debate this on Monday 20 November 2023.

  1. Extend 30 hours free childcare to student midwives/nurses/paramedics

The Committee agreed to debate this on Monday 20 November 2023.

  1. Minimum wage pay for all healthcare students for placement hours worked!

The Committee agreed to debate this on Monday 20 November 2023.

  1. Repeal the current Dangerous Dogs Act and replace with new framework

The Committee agreed to debate this petition on 27 November 2023.

  1. Bad owners are to blame not the breed - don't ban the XL bully

The Committee agreed to debate this petition on 27 November 2023.

  1. Call an immediate general election

The Committee agreed to consider scheduling this petition for debate at a future meeting.

  1. Require employers to offer career breaks for parents with a seriously ill child

The Committee agreed to consider scheduling this petition for debate at a future meeting.

  1. Remain neutral in Israel-Palestine conflict and withdraw support for Israel

The Committee agreed to consider scheduling this petition for debate at a future meeting.

  1. Fund 30 hours free childcare from age 1 for families where both parents work

The Committee agreed not debate this petition, because the Government has announced plans to implement the request of the petition, and the subject has recently been debated by MPs.

Petitions with over 10,000 signatures

  1. Introduce 'Grow Your Own' Laws for Legal Medical Cannabis Patients (CBPM)

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Create income replacement scheme for crew affected by writers and actors strikes

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Ensure all GCSE students are issued equation sheets

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Create a new regulatory body to hold NHS managers accountable

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Provide Ukrainian refugees with settled status to enable a stable life in the UK

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Fund menopause awareness training for Practice Nurses

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Allow BN(O) holders to use e-gates at passport control

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Abolish TV Licence Fees For Everyone

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. A central register of Asbestos and phased removal of Asbestos from all buildings

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Provide dairy-free alternatives as part of the national milk scheme for under 5s

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Make knife crime prevention a compulsory requirement for all school curriculum

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Introduce statutory licensing and regulation of builders

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Change the legal driving age to 15

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Pause the Energy Bill and hold a public referendum before proceeding

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Make the State Pension equal to Minimum Wage (40hr/wk 23+) to all from age 60

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Hold a referendum on ending devolution in Wales

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

  1. Record the number of bereaved children to ensure they are supported

The Committee noted the response to this petition.

Revised Government responses

  1. Allow disabled people to keep all their benefits if they move in with a partner

The Committee agreed to accept the revised response.

  1. Extend the older person's bus pass to cover free train travel

The Committee agreed to accept the revised response.

  1. Require train operators keep ticket offices and platform staff at train stations

The Committee agreed to accept the revised response.

Public petitions and observations

  1. Bank branches (Wendy Chamberlain)
  2. Barclays Kidsgrove (Jonathan Gullis)

The Committee noted these petitions and the Government observations to them.

Further information 

Image: CC0