Decisions of the Petitions Committee, 8 June 2021
9 June 2021
On 8 June 2021 the Committee considered all e-petitions which had, before 8 June 2021, reached over 100,000 signatures. The Committee also considered petitions that had reached over 10,000 signatures and received a Government response, e-petitions that had received a revised response, and public petitions. The Committee also considered e-petitions with over 100,000 signatures that were awaiting debate.
Petitions with over 100,000 signatures
1. Commission an independent review of childcare funding and affordability
The Committee agreed to schedule this petition for debate at a later date.
2. Hold a public inquiry into Government contracts granted during Covid-19
The Committee agreed to debate this petition on 21 June 2021.
Petitions with over 10,000 signatures
1. Review the Regulation of Odour Management of Landfill Sites
The Committee agreed to request revised response.
2. Ban developers starting new work until their EWS1 failing buildings are fixed
The Committee agreed to request revised response.
3. Increase sentences relating to knife crime
The Committee agreed to request revised response.
4. Make non-binary a legally recognised gender identity in the UK
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
5. Enshrine tree planting target in law
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
6. Mini’s law - Protect the public and animals from hunting activities
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
7. Enforce the “50+1” Rule for professional football club ownership in the UK
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
8. Scrap the Voter ID requirement introduced in the Election Integrity Bill
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
9. Leave the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol & revoke the Immigration Act
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
10. Require Planning Permission for laying of Astroturf Lawns / Artificial Grass
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
11. Authorise direct flights to North Cyprus
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
12. Repeal Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 and expunge all convictions
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
13. Shift to a Wellbeing Economy: put the health of people and planet first
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
14. Do not cut UK higher education Arts Funding
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
15. Fund adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) screening for children at birth
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
16. Increase curriculum content about water safety as part of swimming lessons
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
17. Allow Disabled People to Keep All Their Benefits if They Move in With a Partner
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
18. Prioritise brownfield development in law to protect our green belt and farmland
The Committee noted the Government’s response.
Revised Government Responses
1. Require local authorities to fund specific domestic abuse services for women
The Committee agreed to accept the Government’s revised response.
Public petitions
1. Return to work after the pandemic (presented by David Linden)
2. Gambling premises licences (presented by Bambos Charalambous)
3. Residents of Mary Feilding Guild care home (presented by Catherine West)
4. Support for market traders (presented by Zarah Sultana)
The Committee noted these petitions and the Government’s observations.
Further Information
Image: PA