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Decisions of the Petitions Committee

24 September 2020

On 22 September the Committee considered all e-petitions which had, before 17 September 2020, reached over 10,000 signatures and received a Government response. The Committee also considered petitions which have reached over 100,000 signatures.

Petitions with over 100,000 signatures

The Committee agreed to consider petitions that have reached the threshold to be considered for debate its next meeting.

1. Coronavirus Support Package for Directors/Shareholders of small Limited Co's

The Committee agreed to schedule a debate on this petition once sittings in Westminster Hall have resumed.

2. Extend maternity leave by 3 months with pay in light of COVID-19

The Committee agreed to debate this petition on Monday 5 October.

3. Halt Brexit For A Public Inquiry.
4. To establish a Public Inquiry into the conduct of the 2016 EU Referendum.
5. Extend the transition; delay negotiations until after the coronavirus outbreak.

The Committee agreed to debate these petitions on Monday 5 October.

6. Review the decision to use previous data to calculate exam grades.
7. Reduce curriculum content for year 10 & 12 students who will sit exams in 2021.

The Committee agreed to debate these petitions on Monday 12 October.

8. Impose sanctions on China over its treatment of Uyghur Muslims.

The Committee agreed to debate this petition on Monday 12 October.

9. Pet Theft Reform: Amend animal welfare law to make pet theft a specific offence.
10. Make pet theft crime a specific offence with custodial sentences.

The Committee agreed to debate these petitions on Monday 19 October.

11. Take action to stop illegal immigration and rapidly remove illegal immigrants

The Committee agreed to debate this petition on Monday 19 October.

Petitions with over 10,000 signatures which have received a government response 

1. Allow the British public to vote on the legalisation of cannabis

The Committee agreed to request a revised Government response, that provides a more detail response to the petition’s request.

2. Stop Forestry England granting licenses for Fox & Hare hunts

The Committee noted the Government’s response.

3. Close loophole allowing licensed dog breeders to broker pregnant bitches

The Committee noted the Government’s response

4. Increase Number of Guests Permitted at Weddings, according to Venue Capacity 5

The Committee noted the Government’s response

5. Add gender identity to the characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010

The Committee noted the Government’s response

6. Improve care, support and treatment for children with rare diseases

The Committee noted the Government’s response

7. Prevent any restrictions on those who refuse a Covid-19 vaccination

The Committee noted the Government’s response

8. Protect Retail Workers from Abuse, Threats and Violence

The Committee noted the Government’s response

9. Free leaseholders trapped in new build properties by post-Grenfell EWS1 form

The Committee noted the Government’s response

Further information

Image: CC0