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Oral evidence transcripts

Members' Expenses Committee

Total results 6 (page 1 of 1)
3 November 2011
Inquiry Operation of the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009
Witnesses Luke March, formerly Compliance Officer for IPSA, Lauren Edwards, Political Officer and Max Freedman, Chair, Unite Parliamentary Staff Branch, Sian Norris-Copson, Chair and Lisa Townsend, Executive Member, Members' and Peers' Staff Association
Oral Evidence
27 October 2011
Inquiry Operation of the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009
Witnesses Dave Hartnett, Permanent Secretary for Tax, and Mary Aiston, Personal Tax Product and Process Director, HMRC
Oral Evidence
25 October 2011
Inquiry Operation of the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009
Witnesses Hugh Thomas, former Head of Compliance for the Conservative Party, Dr Ruth Fox, Director, Matt Korris, Research Fellow, Parliament & Government Programme, Hansard Society, Sir Ian Kennedy, Chair, Andrew McDonald, Chief Executive
Oral Evidence
18 October 2011
Inquiry Operation of the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009
Witnesses Dr Fiona Alexander, General Practitioner, Martyn Taylor, Compliance Officer for IPSA, Sir Christopher Kelly, Chairman, Committee on Standards in Public Life
Oral Evidence
11 October 2011
Inquiry Operation of the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009
Witnesses Dr Ira Madan, the House’s consultant occupational physician; Peter Riddell and Matthew Parris
Oral Evidence
13 September 2011
Inquiry Operation of the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009
Witnesses Professor Sir Ian Kennedy, Chair and John Sills, Director of Policy, IPSA.
Oral Evidence
Total results 6 (page 1 of 1)