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Committee examines UK response to hybrid threats

6 December 2018

The Defence Committee launches inquiry examining the danger posed by hybrid threats to the UK and how the UK Government is preparing its response.

Concern around the use of the hybrid approach to warfare and confrontation below the threshold of armed aggression has been a feature of several Government documents in recent years. The Defence Committee has decided to explore the tactics used and the UK's vulnerability to them as well as the way that the UK can both defend against hybrid threats and how it can utilise them most effectively against adversaries.

Send a written submission

The terms of reference are:

  • What are hybrid threats? Are they new?
  • How do States employ hybrid threats against strategic competitors?
  • How do States employ hybrid warfare in conflict?
  • How do Non-State Actors employ hybrid threats and hybrid warfare?
  • How are the UK, NATO allies and multilateral institutions responding to hybrid threats?
  • What is the UK's vulnerability to hybrid threats and warfare and what defensive, responsive and resilience measures are in place?
  • How realistic is the UK's strategy and doctrine for defending against hybrid threats and warfare?
  • How does the UK use its own hybrid tools to influence both States and Non-State actors?

Send a written submission to the Defence Committee's inquiry on UK response to hybrid threats.

The deadline for written submissions is 28 January 2019.

Further information

Image: Creative Commons