Education Committee calls in Minister and DfE chief over RAAC in school buildings
6 September 2023
The Education Committee has invited the Government to answer questions about the actions it is taking to end the disruption affecting schools and colleges built with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC).
A one-off evidence session will be held at 10:00 on Tuesday, 19 September 2023, with witnesses including Department for Education Permanent Secretary Susan Acland-Hood and Baroness Barran, Minister with responsibility for school capital investment.
Chair's comments
Chair of the Education Committee Robin Walker MP said:
“Both I and my cross-party colleagues have heard loudly and clearly the distress and anxiety that this crisis is causing to families and staff at the 100 or more schools that are affected by RAAC.
We share the feeling of urgency to establish how this situation developed, how and when it can be resolved, and what lessons need to be learnt.
We look forward to questioning the Minister and officials with oversight of capital expenditure on education settings, and testing the Government on its answers to those vital questions.”
Further information
Image: PA