Committee news
MPs to hold a general debate on Parliamentary services for Members
MPs to hold a general debate on Parliamentary services for Members
31 August 2022
Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on the Future of Coastal Communities
MPs to hold a general debate on the Future of Coastal Communities
31 August 2022
Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on supporting local food infrastructure
Committee to hold a general debate on supporting local food infrastructure
31 August 2022
Westminster Hall to hold a debate on Select Committee Statement: First report of the Women and Equalities Committee, Menopause in the workplace, HC 91
MPs to hold a debate on Select Committee Statement: First report of the Women and Equalities Committee, Menopause in the workplace.
31 August 2022
Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on the importance of agricultural and county shows to rural Britain
MPs to hold a general debate on the importance of agricultural and county shows to rural Britain
18 July 2022
MPs will hold a Sir David Amess Summer Adjournment debate
MPs to hold a Sir David Amess Summer Adjournment debate
18 July 2022
MPs to hold a general debate on UK sanctions for human rights abuses and corruption
MPs to hold a general debate on UK sanctions for human rights abuses and corruption
18 July 2022
MPs to hold a debate on Select Committee Statement: Channel crossings, migration and asylum
MPs to hold a debate on Select Committee Statement: Channel crossings, migration and asylum, First Report of the Home Affairs Committee (HC 194)
18 July 2022
Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on New Pylons in East Anglia
MPs to hold a general debate on New Pylons in East Anglia
18 July 2022
Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on forced labour and NHS PPE supply chains
MPs to hold a general debate on forced labour and NHS PPE supply chains
12 July 2022
MPs to hold a general debate on Protecting and restoring nature at COP15 and beyond
MPs to hold a general debate on Protecting and restoring nature at COP15 and beyond
12 July 2022
MPs to hold a debate on a motion on Srebrenica
MPs to hold a debate on a motion on Srebrenica
12 July 2022
MPs to hold a debate on Select Committee Statement: Educational poverty: how children in residential care have been let down and what to do about it, Fifth Report
MPs to hold a debate on Select Committee Statement: Educational poverty: how children in residential care have been let down and what to do about it
12 July 2022
Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on the Restoration and Renewal Programme in the House of Commons
MPs to hold a general debate in on the Restoration and Renewal Programme in the House of Commons.
6 July 2022
Westminster Hall to hold a general debate on the Third Report of the Home Affairs Committee, The Macpherson Report: twenty-two years on
MPs to hold a debate in on the Third Report of the Home Affairs Committee, The Macpherson Report: twenty-two years on
6 July 2022
MPs to hold a general debate on Alcohol Duty and tax on alcohol
MPs to hold a general debate on Alcohol Duty and tax on alcohol
5 July 2022
MPs to hold a debate on a motion on Economic Crime Law Enforcement Resourcing
MPs to hold a debate on a motion on Economic Crime Law Enforcement Resourcing
5 July 2022
MPs to hold a debate on Select Committee Statement: Access to Cash in Scotland: Second Report
MPs to hold a debate on Select Committee Statement: Access to Cash in Scotland: Second Report
5 July 2022
Estimates day debates
The Backbench Business Committee has proposed the topics for the Main Estimates Day debates, which will be held on Tuesday 5 July and Wednesday 6 July.
4 July 2022
General debate on the future of Motor Neurone Disease
MPs will hold a general debate on the future of Motor Neurone Disease
22 June 2022