MPs debate on reductions to Employment Support Allowance and universal credit
3 November 2016
On Thursday 17 November MPs debated a motion in the House of Commons Chamber on reductions to Employment Support Allowance and universal credit.
This debate was opened by Neil Gray, Scottish National Party MP for Airdrie and Shotts.
Watch the debate and read the transcript
- Watch Parliament TV: reductions to Employment and Support Allowance and Universal Credit
- Read Commons Hansard: Employment and Support Allowance and Universal Credit
There are also two briefing papers for this debate, produced by the House of Commons Library, which include more information on the subject of this debate.
- Read Library briefing paper: Universal Credit changes from April 2016
- Read Library briefing paper: Abolition of the ESA Work-Related Activity Component
Motion debated
That this House notes the Government's plans to reduce the Employment Support Allowance work-related activity component and the corresponding limited capability for work component in universal credit in April 2017; further notes that this measure will cut the weekly amount received by recipients with long term health conditions or disabilities by £30 and that these cuts are due to take place before the promised Work and Health programme Green Paper can be considered or implemented; and therefore calls on the Government to use the upcoming Autumn Statement to postpone the cuts to Employment Support Allowance work-related activity component and the corresponding limited capability for work component in universal credit until appropriate alternative measures to progress the commitment to halve the disability employment gap have been considered, in order to secure support for current and future claimants so that sick and disabled people are supported adequately when they are unable to work.
Backbench Business Committee
The Backbench Business Committee meets weekly on Tuesdays to consider requests for debates from any backbench Members of Parliament on any subject.
The Committee then has to decide how to allocate the limited Parliamentary time it has at its disposal. The Committee's meetings are always conducted in public and can be watched on Parliament TV.
Further information
- About Parliament: Select Committees
- How the Backbench Business Committee works
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