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Remit of the Administration Committee for the 2019 Parliament

28 October 2020

A. Advice from the Administration Committee on strategic administration under paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 139

The Committee is invited to advise the Speaker, the House of Commons Commission, the Commons Executive Board and officials of the House as appropriate on substantive issues relating to services and facilities provided for Members, their staff and visitors and financed from the House of Commons Administration Estimate.  

The Committee is asked to consider the alteration of services necessary to support Members, the ordering of strategic business priorities, and any opportunities for ways of working that may result from the experience of the pandemic. 

More generally the Commission would particularly welcome the advice of the Committee falling in the following areas which may require policies to be reviewed or developed in the 2019 Parliament.  

  • Member services supporting the Chamber and the business of the House, including:

    • Research and Information, provision of papers, digital services, video-conferencing, broadcasting of proceedings, Members’ professional development.
  • Member services on the Parliamentary estate, including:

    • Accommodation, maintenance, impact of major refurbishment works on services, catering, retail, Customer hub, travel services, pass office, Members HR Service, security updates, family-friendly facilities, Parliamentary intranet and communications, contract management, support for General Elections.  
  • Members services away from Westminster, including:

    • IT and digital services, training and professional development,
      roadshows, security updates (relating to constituencies).
  • Parliament and participation, including:

    • Outreach, Education Centre, visitor tours, public access,
      decisions on levels of commercial activity, facilities for visitors, Parliamentary website. 
  • Relationship development, including:

    • Restoration & Renewal sponsor body, IPSA.

An annual review of the Committee’s remit will take place to enable the above areas to be adjusted in line with the Committee’s and Commission’s priorities.

B. DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY to maintain and amend rules at an operational level within the above strategic framework under paragraph (2) of Standing Order No. 139.

B1. Interpretation and operation of rules

The Committee is authorised to interpret and amend rules in relation to day-to-day use of facilities and services, in consultation with relevant officials. This does not empower the Committee to create new rules or make substantial changes. Substantial changes to rules should be referred to the Speaker or Commission for approval. Areas where the Committee may amend and interpret the rules are:

a) the issue and use of Palace of Westminster security passes and car park passes

b) access to catering facilities

c) the use of the House emblem, House stationery and pre-paid envelopes

d) the right to take photographs, film or sound record within the House of Commons precincts in consultation with the Serjeant at Arms (and the Speaker where appropriate)

e) the holding of exhibitions (excluding Westminster Hall)

f) performance of music at functions in the House

g) services which provide income generation for the House (levels of fees and charges are set in accordance with the Fees and Charges Policy, agreed by the Commission)

h) use of Speaker’s Green for events (providing recommendations to the Speaker)

i) use of the Portcullis House Atrium information stand.

B2. Approvals and derogations

The Committee is authorised to approve use of facilities, in line with the rules set out under B1, and to give temporary derogations from any of the rules concerning access and facilities. The Committee is also authorised to delegate its approval functions to its chair or officials where appropriate.


Nomination to user groups

The Committee is invited to nominate a member of the Committee to:

a) chair the Travel Office Consumers’ Panel to work with relevant officials to ensure that the travel agency facility meets the needs of Members, Members’ staff and House staff.

b) the Committee to the Fire Safety Committee.

c) chair the new Members’ Services Group.

d) other boards and groups as necessary.


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