How can UK scientists influence EU policy?
5 February 2016
The Lords Science and Technology Committee hears evidence from a multinational company active in research and development in the UK, as well as scientists with experience of EU decision making. The medical research charity, the Wellcome Trust, also gives evidence.
- Parliament TV: Relationship between EU membership and UK science
- Inquiry: Relationship between EU membership and UK science
- Science and Technology Committee
The Committee asks a range of questions on the issues of how UK science is affected by the treatment of science advice and evidence within the EU. The session is part of a wider examination of the relationship between EU membership and the effectiveness of UK science, research and innovation.
Tuesday 9 February in Committee Room 4A, Palace of Westminster
At 9.30am
- Professor Siegfried Russwurm, Chief Technology Officer & Member of the Managing Board, Siemens
- Mr Juergen Maier, Chief Executive Officer, Siemens UK
At 10.30am
- Professor Dame Julia Slingo OBE FRS, Chief Scientist, Met Office and member of the European Commission's Science Advice Mechanism High-Level Group
- Professor John Womersley, Chief Executive Officer, Science and Technology Facilities Council
- Mr Stuart Pritchard, EU Affairs Manager, Wellcome Trust
Areas of discussion
The evidence sessions cover areas such as:
- the impetus for international companies to undertake Research and Development (R&D) in the UK
- the value of EU membership to UK businesses
- the role of EU science advisory groups
- how much UK scientists can influence EU policy
- UK participation in EU funding schemes
- the movement of R&D talent across Europe
- the view from the charity sector
Further information
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