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Minister questioned on Off-site manufacture for construction by committee

5 June 2018

The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee concludes taking evidence for its inquiry investigating off-site manufacture for construction. The Committee hears from Richard Harrington MP, Minister for Infrastructure and Construction, as well as representatives from the Infrastructure and Projects Authority, Rider Levett Bucknall and the Infrastructure Client Group.

Purpose of session

In the first session the witnesses give their views on how business models in the construction sector can facilitate the greater use of off-site manufacture and how companies in the construction sector can be encouraged to collaborate and work together to accomplish this.

In the second session the Committee ask what plans the Government has to help increase the use of off-site manufacture and how it will ensure other public sector clients have the necessary skills and knowledge to take advantage of off-site construction when procuring new projects.


Tuesday 5 June in Committee Room 4A, Palace of Westminster

At 3.25pm

  • Tony Meggs, Chief Executive, Infrastructure and Projects Authority
  • Ann Bentley, Global Practice Director, Rider Levett Bucknall
  • Martin Chown, Infrastructure Client Group

At 4.25pm

  • Richard Harrington MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Infrastructure and Construction) Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
  • Fergus Harradence, Deputy Director, Construction, BEIS

Possible questions

Questions likely to be covered in the sessions include:

  • Buildings such as schools, prisons and hospitals are often very similar and lend themselves to an off-site approach. How will the Government take advantage of this?
  • How is the Government ensuring the necessary training is available to provide the skills needed for off-site construction and other modern methods of construction?
  • When can we expect publication of the Construction Sector deal? Why has it been delayed?
  • How can the Government encourage the use of off-site manufacture, by both public and private sector house builders, to help meet house building targets?

Further information

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