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CBI, TUC and TheCityUK give evidence on EU reform visions

8 December 2015

The European Union Select Committee meets representatives of the Confederation of British Industry, Trades Union Congress and TheCityUK to hear their views on the UK Government's vision for EU reform. This follows the Prime Minister's announcement that he does not expect negotiations on EU reform to be concluded until early 2016.


Tuesday 8 December in Committee Room 4, Palace of Westminster

At 4.05pm:

  • Andy Bagnall, Director of Campaigns, CBI
  • Chris Cummings, Chief Executive, TheCityUK
  • Frances O'Grady, General Secretary, TUC
  • Owen Tudor, Head of European Union and International Relations, TUC

Likely topics

Possible areas of discussion include:

  • Whether the Government's reform agenda goes far enough
  • If there is a danger of the creation of a two speed 'Social Europe'
  • How safeguards for non-eurozone Member States can be created, in particular in the field of financial services legislation
  • Whether the EU is doing enough to strengthen the Single Market and promote competitiveness
  • If the Government's wish to "control migration from the European Union" is a challenge for the EU as a whole, or a uniquely British preoccupation.

Further information

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