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Ministers give evidence on UK-Irish relations follow up

19 January 2018

The Lords EU Select Committee continues its follow up on Brexit: UK-Irish relations by hearing from the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Karen Bradley MP and DexEU Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Robin Walker MP.


Tuesday 23 January in Committee Room 3, Palace of Westminster

At 4.05pm

  • Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
  • Robin Walker MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department for Exiting the European Union


  • The implications of the December Joint Report on progress during phase 1 of Article 50 negotiations on Ireland and Northern Ireland
  • How issues relating to Northern Ireland and Ireland will be handled in stage two of Brexit negotiations
  • How to ensure that the interests of all communities in Northern Ireland are understood and taken into account during Brexit negotiations

Further information

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