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Design of Universal Credit and support for claimants examined by Lords

5 January 2020

The Economic Affairs Committee holds its fifth evidence session on the economics of Universal Credit inquiry.


Tuesday 5 May, virtual meeting

At 10.00

  • Mike Brewer, Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Economist, Resolution Foundation
  • Nicholas Timmins, Senior Fellow, Institute for Government and the King's Fund

At 11:00 am

  • Michael Royce, Senior Policy Manager, Money and Pensions Service
  • Minesh Patel, Principal Policy Manager, Citizens Advice
  • Sharon Wright, Professor of Social Policy, University of Glasgow

Likely questions

  • To what extent is improving Universal Credit a question of increasing funding, or making fundamental changes to its design?
  • What reforms would you like to see the Government make that would help the most vulnerable groups?
  • Should the temporary changes to Universal Credit in response to Covid-19 be made permanent?
  • What is the justification for a general debt amnesty? Should public sector debts be treated differently to private sector debts?
  • What challenges do claimants face in accessing the Universal Credit system and maintaining their claims, using digital means?
  • Is the support network available to claimants – charities, local authorities, etc. – too decentralised? What could be done to make it clearer to claimants where they should go to access different types of support?
  • How well are work coaches able to tailor their support and Claimant Commitments to meet the needs and circumstances of claimants, and particularly vulnerable claimants?

Further information

Image: PA