Committee examines the international perspective of the Union and devolution
10 November 2015
On Wednesday 11 November the House of Lords Constitution Committee hears evidence on the purpose of the Union between the constituent nations of the United Kingdom, and on the principles that should underpin the UK's devolution settlement.
- Parliament TV: The Union and devolution
- Inquiry: The Union and devolution
- Select Committee on the Constitution
The evidence session takes place on Wednesday 11 November in Committee Room 1, Palace of Westminster.
At 10.30am:
- Professor Nicola McEwen, University of Edinburgh
- Professor Ailsa Henderson, University of Edinburgh
- Professor Charles Lees, University of Bath
Possible questions
Possible questions the Committee may put to the witnesses include:
- Are there common principles underlying the distribution and exercise of power in countries with multi-level governance systems?
- Is the principle of 'comity' and mutual trust useful in federal or other multi-level constitutions? How is it enforced? Do you have any views how a principle of comity might be enforced in dealings between governments in the UK?
- Do any other devolved/federal states have significant sub-state regions or nations without devolved powers? Are there are any comparable examples to England?
- Can administrative devolution to regions or nations substitute effectively for legislative devolution?
Further information
About Parliament: Select committees
Visit Parliament: Watch committees
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