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Statutory Sick Pay inquiry: MPs to question Employment Minister and employers and insurers—Wednesday 31 January at 9.25am

26 January 2024

The Work and Pensions Committee will take evidence from the Minister for Employment, Jo Churchill MP, as part of its inquiry examining the effectiveness of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) and how it might be reformed to better support the recovery and return to work of people who claim it.

Before questioning the Minister and officials from the Department of Health and Social Care, MPs will hear from organisations with an employers’ perspective of SSP. Questions are likely to focus on how well the current system is working, how sickness impacts on businesses of different sizes and the case for reforming SSP.

Previously the Committee took evidence from academic researchers and employee representatives.


Wednesday 31 January, Committee Room 16, Palace of Westminster

Panel 1 (at 9.25am)

• Samantha O’Sullivan, Policy Lead, Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals;
• Rachel Suff, Senior Policy Adviser, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development;
• Rebecca Deegan, Head of Health and Protection Insurance, Association of British Insurers; and
• Tina McKenzie, UK Policy and Advocacy Chair, Federation of Small Businesses

Panel 2 (at approx. 10.25am)
• Jo Churchill MP, Minister for Employment, Department for Work and Pensions;
• Lorraine Jackson CBE, Director, Joint Work and Health Directorate, Department of Health and Social Care; and
• Sean Povey, Deputy Director, Fit Note and Statutory Sick Pay, Joint Work and Health Directorate, Department of Health and Social Care

Further information

Image credit: Tyler Allicock/UK Parliament