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Wales and Borders rail franchise inquiry launched

20 July 2016

The Welsh Affairs Committee are holding an inquiry into the Wales and Borders Rail Franchise.

The franchise is currently operated by Arriva Trains Wales, who have the contract until 2018. The inquiry is focussing on current performance and is looking to make recommendations for future improvements that can contribute to the upcoming procurement competition.

Send a written submission

The committee invites written evidence on the following issues:

  • What standard of performance has been experienced under the current franchise?
  • What lessons can be learnt from the current franchise?
  • What improvements to rail passenger services should be expect under the next franchise?
  • How do the Welsh and UK Governments cooperate in deciding how rail passenger services in Wales should be run?

Written submission deadline

The deadline for written submissions is Friday 26 August at 4pm.

Send a written submission to the Welsh Affairs Committee Wales and Borders rail franchise inquiry.

Chair's comments

On launching the inquiry, Committee Chair David TC Davies commented:

"The Wales and Borders Rail Franchise covers the vast majority of services in Wales, including many links to England. We have launched this inquiry to investigate the level of current performance and if any improvements can be made.

We want to understand how the Welsh and UK governments co-operate to get the best service for the people of Wales. With the franchise scheduled to undergo a new bidding process shortly, it is important that the key issues that need to be addressed."

Further information

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