FCA responds to Treasury Committee on supervision of Odey Asset Management
5 July 2023
The Treasury Committee today publishes correspondence from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) on the regulator’s supervision of Odey Asset Management.
Last month, the Committee asked a series of questions on the regulator’s supervision of Odey Asset Management and Crispin Odey, and on the FCA’s wider work on non-financial misconduct.
The correspondence can be read in full here.
Further information
- Read the Committee Chair’s letter to the chief executive of the FCA, dated 14 June. Read the response here.
- The Committee holds regular accountability hearings on the work of the Financial Conduct Authority. Further information, and video replays and transcripts of previous sessions, can be found here. The next session will take place on Wednesday 19 July.
Image credit: Tyler Allicock/UK Parliament