Pre-2010 publications
Certain committee documents that were published online before May 2010 are available by session at the links below. The committee may have been known by different names in earlier sessions. For older publications than those below, or other publications from these sessions, use the Parliamentary Archives.
Session 2009-10 publications
Session 2008-09 publications
Session 2007-08 publications
Session 2006-07 publications
Session 2005-06 publications
Session 2004-05 publications
Session 2003-04 publications
Session 2002-03 publications
Session 2001-02 publications (Transport, Local Government and the Regions Committee)
Session 2001-02 publications
Session 2000-01 publications (Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee)
Session 1999-2000 publications (Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee)
Session 1998-1999 publications (Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee)
Session 1997-1998 publications (Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee)