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'Next steps for HS2' - publication of correspondence

21 May 2020

Following the Committee's evidence session on 24 April, members have committed to maintain scrutiny of the HS2 project. There will be a rolling programme of oral evidence sessions over the course of this Parliament, some taking place outside Westminster.

In this context, the Committee is publishing two letters relating to the content offered in the evidence session (transcript here).

To Mark Thurston, Chief Executive of HS2 Ltd, requesting:

  • Transparency: To set out the steps Mr Thurston intends to take to deliver on his commitment to be open and transparent with Parliament where there is a risk the company may fail to meet a milestone target it has agreed to, or when it has failed to meet such a target.
  • Governance and culture of HS2 Ltd: To set out changes being made to the management of HS2 Ltd, including the preparations to support the transition to the new governance arrangements for Euston and Phase 2b.
  • Workforce issues: Further to information supplied on contractors and permanent staff, a request for equivalent information for the full project.
  • Social distancing: To set out the steps the company is taking to ensure that contractors follow the Government's advice in order to allay the fears of local communities.
  • Engagement with local MPs: An update on how many meetings have been held with MPs whose constituencies are on the route.

To Andrew Stephenson MP, Minister of State for Transport, requesting:

  • Transparency: to share current plans for the six-monthly reports with the committee to help inform their content.
  • Governance and culture of HS2 Ltd: To set out further details on proposed changes to improve the performance and oversight of HS2 Ltd; and transfer responsibility for Euston station and Phase 2b to other delivery bodies.
  • Requesting clarity on the speed and frequency of HS2 services.
  • Euston station and Old Oak Common: Whether the Government plans to go ahead with the current design and if not, the process and timescale for redesigning Euston station.
  • Loss of biodiversity: to confirm the number of work sites where habitat clearance is scheduled to take place during nesting season and share an example of the Working Methods Statement which sets out how this takes place.

The deadline for the responses is 9 June.

Further information

Image: hs2-ltd