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What impact will the UK’s changing defence priorities have on investment, employment and communities in Scotland?

30 July 2021

The Scottish Affairs Committee has today launched a new inquiry examining the military landscape in Scotland. This will look at how the current restructuring of the UK’s defence capabilities, for example as announced in the MoD Command Paper ‘Defence in a competitive age’, could affect local communities in Scotland.

At present, over 13,000 people are employed in more than 50 Ministry of Defence installations around Scotland. However, in 2016, the Ministry of Defence announced that it would reduce the size of the defence estate by 30% by 2040 with Scottish bases in Stirling and Rosyth both facing closure in 2022, and others to follow.

The Committee is keen to explore the impact the UK’s changing defence priorities – including base closures, but also new military infrastructure investments – will have on communities in Scotland, and whether the UK Government should be offering any additional support to those affected. The Committee is also seeking views about the role military installations in Scotland have in supporting the UK’s international alliances. 

Scottish Affairs Committee Chairman, Pete Wishart, said: 

"Military personnel and their families in Scotland face an uncertain few years with base closures and a reduction of the defence estate. With two bases – in Stirling and in Rosyth – set to close next year, our Committee is considering what impact the MoD’s plans will have on communities in Scotland, and whether the UK Government should be offering more support to those affected."

Terms of reference 

The Committee is inviting written submissions by Monday 4 October. These should focus on, but not be limited to: 

  • What impacts are the UK’s changing defence priorities having on investment, employment and communities in Scotland?
  • How important are military installations in Scotland for supporting the UK’s international military alliances?
  • How well are Scottish people and places represented in the UK military?
  • How have recent military infrastructure investments affected employment and communities in Scotland?
  • How might planned military personnel reductions and estate reductions affect employment and communities in Scotland? What impacts are already occurring from planned reductions/closures?
  • Should the UK Government offer any additional support to individuals and communities affected?

Further information

Image: MoD