Leader of the House questioned on English Votes for English Laws
13 October 2015
The Scottish Affairs Committee continues their investigations into key constitutional issues as they put questions to government ministers on ‘English Votes for English Laws'.
- Watch Parliament TV: English Votes for English Laws
- Inquiry: English Votes for English Laws
- Scottish Affairs Committee
Tuesday 13 October 2015, Committee Room 8, Palace of Westminster
At 2.30pm
- Chris Bryant MP, Shadow Leader of the House
At 3.30pm
- Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, Leader of the House
On Tuesday 13 October the Leader of the House, Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, gives evidence to the Committee on ‘English Votes for English Laws' - the Government's proposals to grant English Members of Parliament a veto on legislation that is deemed by the Speaker to affect only England.
In advance of that session the Shadow Leader of the House, Chris Bryant MP appears before the Committee to give the Opposition's perspective on those proposals.
Chair's comments
Chair of the Committee, Pete Wishart MP, said:
"I am delighted that our autumn programme starts by picking up on the big themes which have dominated the debate about Scotland at Westminster. English votes for English laws will fundamentally change the representation rights of Scottish MPs yet they are being rushed through at breakneck speed. I hope our committee can offer some scrutiny of the plans. The Scotland Bill is also currently completing its course through the Commons with a huge debate about whether it matches the Smith agreement."
Further information
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Video: Parliamentary copyright