Genomics and genome-editing advances examined
8 February 2017
The Science and Technology Committee is holding its first evidence session on genomics and genome editing, which will look at the implications of the ground-breaking genetic techniques for humans, plants and animals.
- Watch Parliament TV: Genomics and genome-editing
- Inquiry: Genomics and genome-editing
- Science and Technology Committee
Wednesday 8 February 2017, Committee Room 16, Palace of Westminster
At 9.30am
- Professor Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer, NHS England
- Professor Mark Caulfield, Chief Scientist, Genomics England
- Dr Julia Wilson, Associate Director, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
At 10.30am
- Professor Sir John Burn, Non-executive Director, NHS England
- Professor Dame Kay Davies, Non-executive Director, Genomics England
- Dr Helen Firth, Clinical Lead, Deciphering Developmental Disorders Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Purpose of the session
Due to the scope of the inquiry, the Committee will first focus its sessions on human health before turning its attention to plants and animals.
This session will look at the scientific advances in genomics as they relate to humans. A particular focus will be on the UK's 100,000 Genomes Project, its findings, translation into the NHS, and the ethical and regulatory issues that arise from it. It will also examine the role of genomics within the UK's life science and industrial strategies.
Further information
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