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Minister questioned on managing intellectual property and technology transfer

11 January 2017

The Science and Technology Committee holds its fourth oral evidence session on 'managing intellectual property and technology transfer' with the Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, and officials from BEIS and the Intellectual Property Office.


Wednesday 11 January 2017, Committee Room 16, Palace of Westminster

At 10.15am

  • Jo Johnson MP, Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
  • Jenny Dibden, Director of Science and Research, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
  • Sean Dennehey, Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Intellectual Property Office

Purpose of the session

This final evidence session will follow up on some of the issues raised throughout the inquiry, including funding for technology transfer, simplifying the innovation landscape and the role of the IPO. 

Further information

Image/video: Parliamentary copyright