Inquiry Science in emergencies: UK lessons from Ebola inquiry
Witnesses Dr Edward Sykes, Senior Press Manager, Science Media Centre, Professor Paul Cosford, Director for Health Protection and Medical Director, Lily Makurah, Ebola Screening and Returning Workers Scheme Programme Manager, Public Health England, and Dr Oliver Johnson, Programme Director, King's Sierra Leone Partnership; Professor Sir Mark Walport, Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Government Office for Science, Professor Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health, and Brigadier Timothy Hodgetts, Medical Director, Defence Medical Services Jane Ellison MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health, and Campbell McCafferty, Director of Civil Contingencies Secretariat, Cabinet Office
Inquiry Science in emergencies: UK lessons from Ebola inquiry
Witnesses Professor Tom Solomon, Health Protection Research Unit in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections, University of Liverpool, Professor Melissa Leach, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, and Professor George Griffin, Former Chair, Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens; Dr Ripley Ballou, GSK Vaccines Research and Development Centre, Rockville Maryland, Professor Adrian Hill, The Jenner Institute, University of Oxford, and Professor Trudie Lang, The Global Health Network, University of Oxford; Dr Jeremy Farrar, Wellcome Trust, and Professor Chris Whitty, Professor of Public and International Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Witnesses Chris Combemale, Chief Executive Officer, Direct Marketing Association, Professor Jonathan Montgomery, Chair, Nuffield Council on Bioethics, Renate Samson, Chief Executive, Big Brother Watch; Christopher Graham, Information Commissioner
Witnesses Matthew Hare, Chief Executive Officer, Gigaclear, John Shaw, Vice President, Product Management, Sophos, James Blessing, Chair, Internet Services Providers' AssociationProfessor Ross Anderson, Professor of Security Engineering, University of Cambridge, Professor Mike Jackson, formally of Birmingham City Business School, Dr Joss Wright, Research Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute, Professor Sir David Omand, Visiting Professor, Department of War Studies, King's College London
Witnesses Aisling Burnand, Chief Executive Officer, Association of Medical Research Charities, Professor John Williams, Director, Health Informatics Unit, Royal College of Physicians, Dame Fiona Caldicott, National Data Guardian for Health and CareGeorge Windsor, Senior Policy Researcher, Creative and Digital Economy, Nesta, Sue Daley, Head of Big Data, Cloud and Mobile, Tech UK, Dr Paul Feldman, Chief Executive, Jisc, Chirdeep Chhabra, Senior Manager, Data Programmes, Digital CatapultRichard Woolhouse, Chief Economist and Head of Research and Strategy, British Bankers' Association, James Meekings, Co-Founder and UK Managing Director, Funding Circle, Imran Gulamhuseinwala, Partner, Ernst & Young
Witnesses Dr Ruth McKernan, Chief Executive, Innovate UK, and Martyn Sené, Deputy Director and Operations Director, National Physical Laboratory; David Sweeney, Director (Research, Education and Knowledge Exchange), Higher Education Funding Council for England, Professor Rick Rylance, Executive Group Chair, and Professor Philip Nelson, Executive Group Chair-elect, Research Councils UK.
Witnesses Joseph Johnson MP, Minister for Universities and Science, and Gareth Davies, Director General, Knowledge and Innovation, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills; Bernard Ross, Chief Executive Officer, Sky Medical Technology Ltd, James Bromley, Chief Operations Officer, SwiftKey, and Dr Paul Beasley, Head of Research and Development UK, Siemens
Witnesses Professor Graeme Reid, Chair of Science and Research Policy, University College London, Naomi Weir, Acting Director, Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE), and Nicola Dandridge, Chief Executive, Universities UK; Professor Sir Mark Walport, Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Government Office for Science; Professor Brian Cox
Witnesses Jo Johnson MP, Minister of State for Universities and Science, Gareth Davies, Director General, Knowledge and Innovation, and Philippa Lloyd, Director General, People and Strategy, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills; Sir Paul Nurse, President, The Royal Society, Professor Richard Parker, Chair, Research and Secondments Committee, Royal Academy of Engineering, Lord Stern of Brentford, President, British Academy, and Professor Sir John Tooke, President, Academy of Medical Sciences
Inquiry The future of the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA)
Witnesses Chris Sellers, Executive Director, Strategic Sales, Capita, Dr Dan Heard, Market Director (Science), Capita, and Professor Robert Edwards, Head of the School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Newcastle University; Lord de Mauley, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Natural Environment and Science, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Inquiry Science and Innovation Strategy one-off session
Witnesses Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, Minister of State for Universities, Science and Cities, Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, and Professor Sir Mark Walport, Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Government Office for Science
Witnesses Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, Minister of State for Universities, Science and Cities, Department for Business, Innovation & Skills; Professor Sir Mark Walport, Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Government Office for Science
Witnesses George Eustice MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Farming, Food and Marine Environment, Terence Ilott, Deputy Director, Marine Environment Strategy, and Paul Green, Operations Director, Veterinary Medicines Directorate, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Lord Bates, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Criminal Information, Home Office, and Alan Pratt, Director of Science, Engineering and Technology, Home Office
Inquiry GM foods and application of the precautionary principle in Europe
Witnesses Professor Rosie Hails, Chair, Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment, Professor Peter Gregory, Chair, Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes, and Professor Guy Poppy, Chief Scientific Adviser, Food Standards Agency; Lord de Mauley, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Natural Environment and Science, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and George Freeman MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Life Sciences, Department for Health and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Inquiry Current and future uses of biometric data and technologies
Witnesses Dr Simon Rice, Group Manager (Technology), Information Commissioner's Office, Alastair R MacGregor QC, Biometrics Commissioner, Office of the Biometrics Commissioner, and Chief Constable Chris Sims, National Policing Lead for Forensic Science, Association of Chief Police Officers; Lord Bates, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Criminal Information, Home Office
Inquiry Funding the Royal Botanic Gardens evidence hearing
Witnesses Professor Mary Gibby, UK Plant Sciences Federation, Professor Georgina Mace, Fellow, The Royal Society, and Sir Neil Chalmers, Chair of a 2010 independent review of Kew Gardens, commissioned by DEFRA; Richard Deverell, Director, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Professor Kathy Willis, Director of Science, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Julie Flanagan, Full-time officer, Prospect, and Ken Bailey, Trade union side lead for PCS, Prospect and GMB; and Lord de Mauley, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for natural environment and science, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Witnesses Jane Ellison MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Public Health, Department of Health, George Freeman MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Life Sciences, Department of Health, and Professor David Walker, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England, Department of Health; Mr Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for School Reform, Department for Education
Inquiry GM foods and application of the precautionary principle in Europe
Witnesses Dr Elisabeth Waigmann, Head of GMO Unit, European Food Safety Authority, and Professor Joe Perry, Chair, GMO Panel, European Food Safety Authority; Eric Poudelet, Director, Safety of the Food Chain, Directorate General for Health and Consumers, European Commission, Dorothée André, Head of Unit, Biotechnology, Directorate General for Health and Consumers, European Commission
Inquiry Current and future uses of biometric data and technologies
Witnesses Professor Juliet Lodge, Emeritus Professor of European Studies, University of Leeds, and member of the Privacy and Policy Expert Group at the Biometrics Institute, Professor Louise Amoore, Professor of Political Geography, Durham University, and Professor Sue Black, Director, Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification, University of Dundee; Sir John Adye, Chairman, Identity Assurance Systems, Ben Fairhead, Biometric Systems Engineer, 3M, and Erik Bowman, Systems Engineer, Northrop Grumman; Andrew Tyrer, Head of Enabling Technology, Innovate UK, Emma Carr, Director, Big Brother Watch, and Dr Peter Waggett, Chairman, British Standards Institution technical committee IST/44