Inquiry Science in emergencies: chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear incidents inquiry
Witnesses Christopher Abbott, Chairman, Emergency Planning Society CBRN Professional Working Group, Professor Patrick Regan, Science Area Leader for Radioactivity, National Physical Laboratory, James Webster, Civil Contingencies Officer, Staffordshire Civil Contingencies Unit, Andy Bell, Deputy CBRN(E) Lead, Chief Fire Officers' AssociationDr Dame Sue Ion, Chair, Nuclear Innovation Research Advisory Board, Dr Edward Sykes, Senior Media Manager, Science Media Centre, Phil Evans, Government Services Director, Met Office
Witnesses Professor Duncan Wingham, Chief Executive, Julia Maddock, Associate Director of Communications and Engagement, Natural Environment Research Council, and Professor James Wilsdon, Director of Impact and Engagement, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Sheffield.
Witnesses Nick Hunn, Chief Technology Officer, WiFore Consulting Ltd, Pam Conway, Head of Smart Strategy, British Gas, and Dr Sarah J Darby, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford; Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Climate Change, Daron Walker, Senior Responsible Owner, Smart Metering Implementation Plan, Department of Energy and Climate Change, and Sacha Deshmukh, Chief Executive, Smart Energy GB.
Inquiry EU regulation of the life sciences inquiry
Witnesses Emma Greenwood, Head of Policy Development, Cancer Research UK; Dr Ian Hudson, Chief Executive, Jonathan Mogford, Director of Policy, and John Wilkinson, Director of Devices, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency; George Freeman MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department of Health.
Witnesses Dr Anya Hunt, Chief Executive, Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences, and Dr Gillian Tully, Forensic Science Regulator; Tom Nelson, Director of Forensic Services, Scottish Police Authority (representing the Association of Forensic Science Providers), Chief Constable Debbie Simpson, National Police Chiefs Council lead for Forensics, Gary Pugh, Director of Forensic Services, Metropolitan Police Service, and Dr Mark Pearse, Commercial Director, Government Services, LGC Forensics; Mary Calam, Director General of Crime and Policing Group, and Stephen Webb, Director of Law Enforcement Programmes, Home Office.
Inquiry EU regulation of the life sciences inquiry
Witnesses Stuart Pritchard, EU Affairs Manager, Wellcome Trust, Dr Keith Ison, and Professor Berne Ferry, representing the Shelford Group; Dr Jacqueline Barry, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult, Paul Browning, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Brightwake Ltd, Darren Budd, Commercial Director - UK and Ireland, BASF, and Steve Bates, Chief Executive Officer, BioIndustry Association (at 3.00pm); Professor Roger Lemon, representing the Academy of Medical Sciences, and Sir John Skehel, Vice-President and Biological Secretary, The Royal Society (at 3.45pm).
Witnesses Rachel Neaman, Chief Executive, Go ON UK, James Thickett, Director of Market Developments, OfcomEd Vaizey MP, Minister for Culture and the Digital Economy, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Nick Gibb MP, Minister for Schools, Department for Education
Witnesses Joseph Johnson MP, Minister for Universities and Science, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Dr David Parker, Chief Executive, UK Space AgencyProfessor Ian Boyd, Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Philip Marnick, Group Director (Spectrum), Ofcom, Neil Ackroyd, Chief Operating Officer, Ordnance Survey
Witnesses Stuart Martin, Chief Executive Officer, Satellite Applications Catapult, Andy Green, President, UKspace, Dr David Parker, Chief Executive, UK Space AgencyJoanne Wheeler, Partner, Bird & Bird, Professor John Remedios, Director, National Centre for Earth Observation, Dr Christopher Mutlow, Director, STFC-RAL Space
Witnesses Richard Peckham, Business Development Director, Airbus Group, Professor Martin Barstow, President, Royal Astronomical Society, Ruy Pinto, Group Chief Operations Officer, InmarsatPatrick Wood, Group Managing Director, Surrey Satellite Technology Limited, Ross Marshall, Head of Operations, Clyde Space, Mark Thomas, Managing Director, Reaction Engines
Witnesses Dr Alain Kohl, MRC Programme Leader, University of Glasgow, Professor Dilys Morgan, Head, Gastrointestinal, Emerging and Zoonotic Infections Department, Public Health England, Graeme Tunbridge, Deputy Director, Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response, Department of Health, and Professor Peter Horby, Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, University of Oxford.
Inquiry The science budget and the Spending Review one-off session
Witnesses Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation & Skills, Gareth Davies, Director General, Business & Science, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Witnesses Peter Gaynord, KS2 Teacher and Master Teacher in Computer Science, Histon and Impington Junior School, Andrew Seager, Head Teacher, Stratford School Academy, Desmond Deehan, Head Teacher, Townley Grammar School, and Sara McManus, Director of Vocational Curriculum, Carshalton College; Simon Humphreys, National Coordinator, Computing at School, Amy Solder, Education Project Lead, Nesta, and Sheila Flavell, Chief Operating Officer, FDM Group.
Witnesses Nick Williams, Consumer Digital Director, Lloyds Banking Group, Helen Milner, Chief Executive, Tinder Foundation, and Margaret Sambell, Director of Strategy, The Tech Partnership; Dr Ellen Helsper, Director of Graduate Studies and Associate Professor, London School of Economics, Charlotte Holloway, Head of Policy and Associate Director, techUK, and Steven Roberts, Strategic Transformation Director, Barclays plc.
Witnesses Sir Paul NurseProfessor Philip Nelson, Executive Group Chair, Research Councils UK, David Sweeney, Director, Research, Education and Knowledge Exchange, Higher Education Funding Council for England
Witnesses Hetan Shah, Executive Director, Royal Statistical Society, Paul Maltby, Director of Data, Government Digital Service, and Gavin Starks, Chief Executive Officer, Open Data Institute; Mr Edward Vaizey MP, Minister of State for Culture and the Digital Economy, Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Rebecca Endean OBE, Director, Research Base, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, Baroness Shields, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Internet Safety and Security, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and Peter Knight, Deputy Director, Research and Development Directorate, Department of Health
Witnesses Mark Hughes, President, BT Security, and Antony Walker, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, techUK; Professor Bernard Silverman, Chief Scientific Adviser, Richard Alcock, Programme Director of the Communication Capabilities Directorate, Home Office, and Dr Bob Nowill, Chairman, Cyber Security Challenge.
Inquiry Science in emergencies: UK lessons from Ebola inquiry
Witnesses Dr Edward Sykes, Senior Press Manager, Science Media Centre, Professor Paul Cosford, Director for Health Protection and Medical Director, Lily Makurah, Ebola Screening and Returning Workers Scheme Programme Manager, Public Health England, and Dr Oliver Johnson, Programme Director, King's Sierra Leone Partnership; Professor Sir Mark Walport, Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Government Office for Science, Professor Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health, and Brigadier Timothy Hodgetts, Medical Director, Defence Medical Services Jane Ellison MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Health, and Campbell McCafferty, Director of Civil Contingencies Secretariat, Cabinet Office