Balance and effectiveness of research and innovation spending examined
18 December 2018
The Science and Technology Committee continues its inquiry into the Balance and effectiveness of research and innovation spending.
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- Inquiry: Balance and effectiveness of research and innovation spending
- Science and Technology Committee
Tuesday 18 December 2018, Committee Room 5, Palace of Westminster
At 9.30am
- Keith Thompson, Chair, Catapult CEO network, and CEO, Cell and Gene Therapy
Catapult - Professor Richard Brook, President, Association of Innovation, Research & Technology
Organisations (AIRTO) - David Connell, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Business Research,
Cambridge Judge Business School - Felicity Burch, Director of Innovation and Digital, Confederation of British Industry
At 10.30am
- Dr Robert Massey, Deputy Executive Director, Royal Astronomical Society
- Professor Dame Ann Dowling, President, Royal Academy of Engineering
- Professor Neil Hall, Director, Earlham Institute
- Dr Charmaine Griffiths, Chief Operating Officer, The Institute of Cancer Research
First panel
The first panel focuses on support for innovation and business investment in R&D, including through schemes such as R&D tax credits and the Small Business Research Initiative.
Second panel
The second panel will explore issues including quality-related block funding for research institutions, the balance between capital and resource funding, and the Charity Research Support Fund.
Further information
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