Minister questioned on algorithms in decision-making
23 January 2018
The Science and Technology Committee examines algorithms in decision-making with the Information Commissioner and the Minister for Digital and the Creative Industries. The topic was pitched to the Committee last year by Sense About Science, as part of the previous Committee's "My Science Inquiry" initiative.
- Watch Parliament TV: Algorithms in decision-making
- Inquiry: Algorithms in decision-making
- Inquiry: My Science Inquiry
- Science and Technology Committee
Tuesday 23 January 2018, Committee Room 21, Palace of Westminster
At 11.00 am
- Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner
At 12 noon
- Margot James MP, Minister for Digital and the Creative Industries, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, and officials
Purpose of the first session
The session with the Information Commissioner will consider the challenges faced by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) involved with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Bill. It will consider issues around consent and privacy for the individual whose data are used in algorithmic decisions, as well as transparency and accountability, and the ICO's role in dealing with these issues.
Purpose of the second session
The second session will be with the Minister, and will look at the full range of issues covered so far in our inquiry.
Further information
Image: iStockphoto