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Algorithms in decision-making examined

12 December 2017

The Science and Technology Committee continues its inquiry on algorithms in decision-making. The topic was pitched to the Committee earlier this year by Sense About Science, as part of the Committee's My Science Inquiry initiative.


Tuesday 12 December 2017, Committee Room 6, Palace of Westminster

At 10.15am

  • Martin Wattenberg, Senior Staff Research Scientist, Google AI team
  • Charles Butterworth, Managing Director for UK, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Experian
  • Dr M-H Carolyn Nguyen, Director of Technology Policy, Microsoft
  • Nick Pickles, Head of Public Policy UK and Israel, Twitter

At 11.15am

  • Sheena Urwin, Head of Criminal Justice, Durham Constabulary
  • Kate Bowers, Academic Director, Jill Dando Institute Research Laboratory

Purpose of the session

With representatives from Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and Experian, the first panel will examine both the current and future uses of algorithms in decision-making, as well as looking at algorithmic bias, and whether and how algorithmic decision-making can be conducted in a ‘transparent' and ‘accountable' way.

The second panel will look at the uses of algorithms in policing and the criminal justice system and what safeguards should be in place.

 Further information

Image: iStockphoto