Committee news

Government must set out plan to secure medicine supplies after Brexit
Financial and supply-chain impact of price rises for generic drugs highlights urgent need for clarity
12 October 2018

Multiple risks to delivery of nuclear deterrent
Public Accounts Committee seek assurances on Nuclear Enterprise in the context of the many challenges facing the Ministry of Defence
21 September 2018

Brexit: Time running out for Defra and other departments
Public Accounts Committee Chair comments on NAO report into Defra's planning for Brexit
12 September 2018

MoD needs plan to plug skill gaps and face emerging threats
Public Accounts Committee finds department should innovate to recruit and retain people with specialist skills required
12 September 2018

Government does not understand impact of funding cuts on local policing
Public Accounts Committee Chair comments on publication of NAO report on police financial sustainability
11 September 2018

Ofsted not providing level of assurance schools and parents need
Public Accounts Committee: unacceptable so many schools are exempt from re-inspection
7 September 2018

NHS England must rethink outsourcing after contract shambles
Public Accounts Committee finds short-sighted rush to achieve savings paid no heed to impact
25 July 2018

Government must be more assertive in forming market for procurement
Public Accounts Committee finds 'merry-go-round' culture encouraged companies to bid for contracts undeliverable at agreed price
24 July 2018

Little confidence sweeping courts reforms can be delivered
Public Accounts Committee report finds service has not adequately considered impact on access to justice system
20 July 2018

Government 'must be open' about Brexit transport challenges
Public Accounts Committee Chair comments on NAO report on Brexit and the Department for Transport
19 July 2018

Chair comments on Government response to ESA underpayments
Public Accounts Committee Chair comments on written statement from Secretary of State
18 July 2018

Thousands of claimants failed by DWP 'culture of indifference'
Public Accounts Committee report finds appalling underpayments were entirely avoidable
18 July 2018

Forces homes deal disastrous for taxpayers and worse could follow
Public Accounts Committee report finds rent costs could increase significantly amid persistent low satisfaction
13 July 2018

Committee reports on visit to Washington DC
Public Accounts Committee publishes report arising from the committee's visit Washington DC in February.
12 July 2018

Government failing to learn from high-profile academy failures
Public Accounts Committee also concerned about levels of support for struggling schools
11 July 2018

Changing behaviour is 'significant risk' to BBC commercial performance
Public Accounts Committee report finds BBC must strike balance between serving UK audiences and growth
6 July 2018

Consumers and businesses must not lose protections during Brexit
Public Accounts Committee Chair comments on NAO report on consumer protection after Brexit
6 July 2018

Chair's annual report published
Public Accounts Committee report sets out the Chair's analysis of issues to watch across Whitehall
5 July 2018

Patients must be central to thinking on health and care funding
Public Accounts Committee Chair comments on NAO report on the health and social care interface
4 July 2018

No Government plan to secure councils' financial future
Public Accounts Committee warns Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government too 'complacent'
4 July 2018