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Public Accounts Committee

Commons Select Committee

The Public Accounts Committee examines the value for money of Government projects, programmes and service delivery. Drawing on the work of the National Audit Office the Committee holds government officials to account for the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of public spending.

Image representing the committee

Committee news

MoJ’s “naïve” approach to outsourcing has failed the taxpayer and prisoners
Committee publish their report Improving the prison estate
11 September 2020
“Slow, inconsistent and negligent approach” to social care in pandemic
Committee publish report Readying the NHS and social care for the COVID-19 peak
29 July 2020
Failure to plan for pandemic “astonishing”
Committee publish report Whole of Government response to COVID-19
23 July 2020
PAC calls on Government to account for tax giveaways
Committee publish report Management of tax reliefs
20 July 2020
PAC blasts decades of MoD failure to “get a grip”
Committee publish report on Defence Capability and the Equipment Plan 2019-29
15 July 2020
Government “blind” to “extreme risks” of investment by cash-strapped councils
Committee publish report Local authority investment in commercial property
13 July 2020
England faces “serious risk of running out of water within 20 years”
Committee publish report on Water supply and demand management
10 July 2020
Committee demands detailed plan for PPE from DHSC within 2 months, ahead of potential second Covid wave
Committee publish report NHS expenditure and financial management
8 July 2020
Name and shame betting companies for poor behaviour
Committee publish report Gambling regulation: problem gambling and protecting vulnerable people
28 June 2020
Taxpayer is paying over the odds for UTCs
Committee publishes report on University technical colleges
10 June 2020
Business and public will struggle with parallel Covid-19 and Brexit messages
Committee publish report EU Exit: Get ready for Brexit Campaign
3 June 2020
High-Speed 2 project managers “blindsided by contact with reality”
Committee publish report on High Speed 2: Spring 2020 Update
17 May 2020
High-Speed 2 project “badly off course” as project managers “blindsided by contact with reality”
Committee publish their report High Speed 2 Spring 2020 update
17 May 2020
Poor contracting at MoD leaves taxpayer to shoulder ballooning costs
Committee publish report on Defence Nuclear Infrastructure
13 May 2020
Poor contracting at MoD leaves taxpayer to shoulder ballooning costs
Committee publish their report Defence Nuclear Infrastructure
13 May 2020
Desperate parents scramble for “golden ticket” for children with SEND
Committee publish report Support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
6 May 2020
Desperate parents scramble for “golden ticket” for children with SEND
Committee publish report on Support for children with special educational needs and disabilities
6 May 2020
Committee launches inquiry on problem gambling
Committee re-launches work programme with inquiry into gambling regulation and problem gambling, and a call for extra evidence on impact of Covid19
20 April 2020
Committee launches inquiry on local authority commercial investment
Committee launches inquiry on local authority commercial investment, with call for evidence
20 April 2020
Committee inquiries suspended due to coronavirus action
Committee inquiries suspended due to coronavirus action
20 March 2020
Total results 1158 (page 13 of 58)