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Brexit: Time running out for businesses to prepare

24 October 2018

Public Accounts Committee Chair Meg Hillier MP has commented on today's National Audit Office report, The UK Border: preparedness for EU Exit.

Chair's Comment

The Committee Chair, Meg Hillier MP, comments:

“The Public Accounts Committee's report last year on Brexit and the UK border was a stark warning to Government about its complacent approach to risks to our borders from day one of Brexit.

“The NAO's latest work on the UK border shows the slow progress made on preparations. Infrastructure at our borders will not be in place in the event of a no-deal and there is a real danger that systems will not be ready.

“With continued uncertainty around the negotiations, it is particularly concerning how little information Government has provided to businesses so they can prepare for any outcome. The Government must urgently work with businesses – time is fast running out.”

 Further information

Image: Parliament