Delivering Carrier Strike examined
11 October 2017
The Public Accounts Committee examines the risk factors of delivering new carriers, jets, and a radar system, collectively known as Carrier Strike, by 2020.
- Watch Parliament TV: Delivering Carrier Strike
- Inquiry: Delivering Carrier Strike
- Public Accounts Committee
Wednesday 11 October 2017, The Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House
At 2.00pm
- Stephen Lovegrove, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence
- Lietenant-General Mark Poffley, Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff, Ministry of Defence
- Rear-Admiral Graeme Mackay, Director Carrier Strike, Ministry of Defence
Purpose of the session
The Ministry of Defence is replacing its Invincible Class aircraft carriers with two larger and more versatile carriers and its Harrier jets with a new generation of fast-jets. The process of deploying a carrier and jets, with a new radar system, is known as Carrier Strike.
In this session, the Committee will examine the risk factors which might affect the three core programmes and compromise the planned timeline whereby Carrier Strike would be operational by 2020.