Procedure Committee to hear from Full Fact and the Institute for Government in inquiry on correcting the record
8 July 2022
The House of Commons Procedure Committee will on Wednesday hear evidence from representatives from Full Fact and the Institute for Government (IfG) as part of their inquiry into correcting the record.
The new inquiry will review the current system by which Ministers correct the parliamentary record, including whether arrangements allow them to provide information to Parliament efficiently and clearly.
The evidence session, which will be livestreamed on Parliament TV, will include evidence from Alice Lilly, a senior researcher for the IfG, and Will Moy, Chief Executive of the independent fact-checking charity Full Fact.
Purpose of the session
Witness may expect to be asked questions including whether the current corrections system is fit for purpose, how the visibility of corrections may be improved, and whether the procedural means by which the accuracy of corrections can be challenged is sufficient.
Chair's comment
Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP, Chair of the Procedure Committee, said:
“The days when proceedings in Parliament were only recorded and read through bound volumes on dusty bookcases are long gone. Public expectations of the accessibility and clarity of parliamentary information have increased as online publication has increased the speed with which debates and answers are made available.
“As more people watch and engage with Parliament and its proceedings in new and different ways, the Procedure Committee has decided to revisit the rules and processes governing corrections.
“We look forward to hearing from Full Fact and the Institute for Government on this matter, as we continue to look at ways to further improve the current system.”
The evidence session will be broadcast live on Parliament TV here from 14:45 on Wednesday 13 July. Find out more about the inquiry and how you can submit evidence on the Procedure Committee website here.
Further information
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