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Procedure Committee investigates coronavirus impact on participation in Commons debates

1 October 2020

The Procedure Committee is conducting a short study of how the present restrictions on the use of the Commons Chamber are affecting participation in debate on motions and legislation.

The new short investigation, which forms part of the wider inquiry into ‘Procedure under coronavirus restrictions’, will be accepting evidence from MPs until Thursday 8 October.

Issues the Committee will be examining include:

  • The effect which current rules on time limits on speeches have on participation in debate
  • The process whereby MPs currently apply to participate, and are able to participate, in debate, including seating arrangements in the Chamber
  • Whether the temporary system of call lists adequately facilitates debate management in the current situation

The Committee will hear evidence from MPs in formal evidence sessions in the weeks of 5 and 12 October.

The Procedure Committee are now welcoming evidence submissions to this investigation. Written evidence can be submitted through the Committee’s website until noon on 8 October. More detail on formal evidence sessions will be released in due course.

Further information

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